Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Konek Dengan Indosat, LG KU250, Slackware 12.1

Inilah langkah-ku waktu konek ke inet pake LG-KU250 (3g for all), kartu mentari gsm dan slackware linux di mesin Pentium III katmai 550 mhz.

1.Colokin hp ke port USB yang tersedia dengan kabel data yang disediakan waktu beli hp. Kalau beli baru pasti ada di dalam box-nya, kalau beli seken kadang ada, kadang nggak.

2.Buka terminal/ konsole, ketik 'dmesg' enter.

Lihat baik-baik baris ke 4 dari bawah, dan sekitarnya... itu menandakan bahwa hp kita sudah terdeteksi sebagai modem di interface /dev/ttyACM0.

3.Setelah itu, buka KPPP. Dari KickStar, Internet, KPP-Internet Dial Up Tool. Klik configure, di tab account klik add, lalu ada popup window pilih manual setup. Saya bikin account indosat mentari durasi. Nih screenshotnya... kalau udah klik ok.

4.Window akan kembali ke tampilan setting account, tapi kali pilih tab modem, klik add, beri nama modem anda misal 'cellphone' pastikan Modem Device dipilih di /dev/ttyACM0 seperti yang kita lihat di output terminal tadi.

5.Lalu pindah ke tab modem, terus klik Modem Command, masukkan extra init kayak gini; AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”indosatgprs” kalo kartu anda im3 ganti bagian 'indosatgprs' dengan 'www.indosat-m3.net'.

6.Klik ok. Lalu ok lagi. Isi username dengan 'indosat@durasi' (tanpa tanda kutip) password sama kayak gitu. Terus klik connect, tunggu sebentar kalau udah konek window KPPP akan ter-minimize, dan kalau dibuka kelihatan jadi kayak gini.

Connected at Unknown speed? Biarin ajah namanya juga murah... :) yang penting bisa pop email bisa komen2 dikit di facebook temen, posting di blog... cukup

7.Kalo anda pencet tombol details nanti keluar gambar kayak gini;

itu local address sama remote address-nya kelihatan, berapa bytes data yang masuk, berapa byte keluar juga kelihatan.

8.Udah... ah

Monday, February 23, 2009

Youtube hack... wuih...

(dapet dari www.allticles.com belom sempet translate... :) )

Do you utilize YouTube to host videos you create and want to share with the world at the best quality? Has someone else created a YouTube video, but you are only interested in a portion of it for your blog or website? Here are 2 tips that help ensure your audience has a better YouTube expereince:

Tip 1. Forcing the browser to use the High Quality version of the video

You may notice just under the lower right coner of the video window, some videos have an option to “Watch In High Quality”. By default, these videos will play as a 320×240 FLV file at 320Kb/s. Check out this sample:


The user could click on this link to “Watch in High Quality” which will reload the video and play the MP4 version , which is 480×360 at 512Kb/s. By adding &fmt=18 to the end of the URL, you’ll make the URL you share with others bring them right to the high quality version. Here’s the same video in the High Quality view:


What else are you gaining besides increased video resolution? The video is compressed with H.264 compression, so you get better video even at the same data rate. You also go from a low fidelity mono audio feed to stereo @ 44.1Khz sample rate.

&fmt=6 increases the resolution from 320×240 to 448×336, Flash 7 video @ 900Kbps; audio @ 44.1KHz 96Kbps Mono CBR.

&fmt=18 increases the resolution to 480×360, H.264 video @ 512Kbps; audio @ 44.1KHz 128Kbps Stereo. Note, the bandwidth may be lower, but it’s utilizing a more efficient compression codec.

UPDATE: &fmt=22 increaes the resolution to 720p HD video if the source was uploaded at a high enough resolution.

Tip 2. Advancing the video to a specific playback point.

If you evern wanted to link to a video in YouTube that was lengthy, but had a very interesting part partway through, there is a hack to allow you to begin playback at a precise time. You can specify the minutes and seconds of the start time like this:

add #t=53s to the end of the URL to start at 53 seconds into it:


add #t=1m57s to the end of the video URL to start playback at 1 minute 57 seconds:


Think of this as bookmarking your video clips! Now you can link to a video, and have an index of the segments included, which link right to that precise moment!

Source: wacblog.washcoll.edu